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"Women Walking by Faith," 2 Corinthians 5: 7, Karen M Huff, Lay Speaker

The Bible is filled with many, many examples of women whose faith in God's providence and protection (Huldah, Rehab, Lydia, Mary, Priscilla, et. al.) lead them to develop a trusting expectation that the Lord will neither disappoint nor forsake those who embrace His teaching. These women patiently trusted in the Lord's promises and encouraged anyone within earshot to follow their example as they followed the Lord. Teaching moment of faith: Faith may not remove life's problems but it provides confidence that God is in control and will work things out for our good. Faith will guide us through the storms of life providing us with calm and peace that we are not overlooked, only tested. As we continue our faith journey the Lord has provided us real-life examples of women of faith in our lives who encourage and uplift others, who teach us how to apologize, forgive and trust the power of prayer. We have all come from a long way from what we used to be. As Maya Angelou says in her poem, “I Am a Christian: " I'm whispering I was lost, now I am found and forgiven...I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide...I'm professing I'm weak and I need to His strength to carry on." Let us keep the faith and keep walking on spiritual journey together in His Name.

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