"WHERE IS YOUR ANCHOR," 1 Peter 4: 12--14, Pastor Richard Strode Sr
We live in challenging, confusing and troubling times as we try to live the Christian life that we tell others about. The Christians in 1 Peter 4 also lived in troubling times and the Holy Spirit used Peter to prepare them and to teach us to get ready for the storms of life. While they were persecuted to the point of death for being Christians, we face our own trials and tribulations which can make us doubt and question the Lord's promise of faithfulness to us. The four letter word which must come to our lips should be "Lord:" Hear my prayer; defend my cause and have mercy on me. With our faith anchored in the foundation of Jesus' words we can be true to our calling even in the most difficult times knowing that there is power in the name of Jesus. We will not be easily influenced by the false gods, promises of material gain or celebrity because those things are temporal not eternal. Christ has proven who he is to us by what He has already done--dying for our sins, interceding for our prayers and providing the Holy Spirit as guide and teacher. If our souls are not anchored in Jesus' as a role model and in His words as a guiding light in our life's journey, then we will drift away from the One who has proven that He loves us best.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: If our souls are not anchored in Jesus' as a role model and in His teaching words to apply in our life's journey, then we will drift away from the One who has proven that He loves us best.