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"We Are Not Finished Yet," 2nd Corinthians 8: 8-11,

Ascension Fellowship 7th Anniversary, Pastor Jerome Riley

Christians understand that we still have work to do to sustain our spiritual growth, maturity and compassionate love for others. We are reminded that we are not yet what we will be but the Holy continues to work within us. We must continue to apply faith lessons in our lives; learn Job-like patience; trust the Lord's response to our prayers and believe that all things work together for our good even when we are unable to see the entire picture. When we reflect on where we have come from: a concept of a new church start; worshipping in a school gym and moving into a building designed for worship, we proudly confess that God has been good and gracious to us. The Lord has provided us a Church building but along with that blessing, comes the expectation to use our gifts, resources, talents, and time to remind others that the Lord's grace is available for all. The church must be used for more than Sunday worship. It must become a spiritual center which reaches out to others at their points of need, materially and spiritually. We still have work to do.

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