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"Thanks to You," Ephesians 1: 15-23, Pastor Marvin G Spence

Two words, "Thank You," when spoken aloud and directed to another can have a powerful impact when someone has used their blessings to be a blessing to us. As Christians when we recall some of the blessings: benefitting from the Lord's grace, mercy and countless answered prayers, we have a lot to be thankful for. How can we say thanks to the Lord for all that He has done for us? Three words come to mind: Listen, Obey and Apply. Scripture teaches us to be more than listeners but also doers of His Word. When we work to become living examples of what Jesus would do to display love for one another by our actions, we are saying "thank you Lord." Displaying unconditional love for others without criticism but compassion is our statement of gratitude for what the Lord has done and will do through us to reach out to the lost souls. Anytime is the right time to thank the Lord for the blessings already received, deliverance from trials, tribulations, and the blessed assurance that we are always on His mind. We are so thankful that we call on Him and He will answer.

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