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"Rise Up," Isaiah 40: 21-31, Pastor Marvin G Spence

With all the chaos around us (aftereffects of January 6th attempted overthrow of newly elected President, Covid-19 virus and limited access to vaccine, overt racism which impacts quality of life, etc.) the 1970 song lyrics, "Ball of Confusion," by the Temptations still seem relevant today. But Believers please neither let the problems of this world depress you, create doubt nor feel hopeless. Remember that we are God's own and never discount what the power of prayer can do to change to any challenging situation. With confident faith in His Spirit's power to energize, educate and empower us, we rise above the troubles of this world--viewing these things as a temporary distraction. We know there is an ongoing battle for our souls and a struggle to stay focused on being the people the Lord has called us to be. But we are able to use our spiritual stamina and strength to continue on our faith journey and focus our attention on these things which have eternal value. We long for the day when we will fly like eagles with renewed strength to journey where we are called to be, which is to live eternally with the Lord. Let us not grow weary, the Lord is with us and His Spirit will strengthen and sustain until the Lord's return.

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