"Reclaim Your Majesty," 2 Timothy 1: 1-14; Pastor Marvin Spence
As Believers we can sometimes let the conventional, sinful standards of this world blind us to the fact that we are adopted into the Lord's family and co-heirs of Jesus (Romans 8: 14-17). This adoption into the Heavenly family allows us to claim as fact that we are fearfully made, that we are connected to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that gives us a majestic and royal calling to represent the Lord. We must remember who we are in Christ and reclaim our connection, living our lives as set apart, sanctified people. When we live as children of the King, we will be noticed as representatives of Christ to the world by what we do for others in love. Others will be drawn to us as we live out our faith and stir up others to ascend to embrace their Christian calling to actively display love, humbleness, and patience with each other. This is our royal responsibility to each other.
