"Never Again," Genesis 9: 8-17; Pastor Marvin G Spence
As we look painfully back at the consequences of slavery, the recurring affliction of racism, the devaluing of Black people and their contributions, we say "never again," will we be silent in the face of racial aggression and oppression. We find comfort and encouragement in God's promise to Noah, that after the great flood, "never again" would sin hold those created in His image captive. Unlike our life experience with promise-breakers God neither lies nor reneges on promises made, regardless of the cost. The rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with mankind. Jesus, God in human flesh, who atoned for us by a horrible, redemptive death on the cross for our sins demonstrates that God's love for us is priceless and sacrificial. As Christians we must stand up for beliefs and stand out to our family and communities as people of character. Representing a God pleasing life-style may not be easy; it was not easy for Jesus as the devil unsuccessfully tempted Jesus to compromise his principles. Jesus made a promise to us that He would provide His Holy Spirit to encourage and empower us when life's trials and tribulations come our way. The Holy Spirit's presence in our lives is like the rainbow, evidence that the Lord loves us that much. When you say "never again" to sin's influence, allowing material priorities to overshadow spiritual growth or choosing to remain silent in the face of oppression, remember the Lord's love and His Spirit's empowerment. Yes, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (ref. Philippians 4: 13)