"Mother--More Than A Name," John 15: 9--17, Pastor Richard A Strode
On the night before Jesus was to die on the cross Scriptures tell us that Jesus was preparing His disciples to continue to live as Christians until His return. He commands them to love another as He loved them. This type of Agape love is described in 1 Cor. 13: 4-7 but requires the Holy Spirit's empowerment to share with others. We are blessed with mothers who influence us and teach us how to be more loving toward each other. We are thankful for women (Mothers, Mothers-in-law, Mother figures, Grandmothers, Aunts and Wives, etc.) who shared their faith lessons with us and helped us become better people of faith. We are thankful for that and proclaim that every day is Mother's Day. With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit may we become the Christians our mothers prayed for us to become.
