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"L.I.T" John 14: 8-17, Pastor Marvin G Spence

When we embrace the Holy Spirit, it is a life-changing and emotionally charged experience ("Lit:" exciting, popping, turned up) which impacts our heart, mind and soul. We began to see life's concerns, challenges and difficulties as something we will successfully get through rather than those things getting to us. Others notice the personality change, are drawn to us and seek an explanation. The Holy Spiritual is believable to us for many reasons, such as, education, empowerment, refreshing and revival but the following attributes are also part of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives: 1. Legitimate: Part of the Trinity, Biblically documented and acknowledged by God, the Father and Jesus, Son of God. 2. Inspirational: Like the Spirit-led disciples, it motivates us to display holy boldness in proclaiming our Christianity by word and deed. 3. Transformational: When we embrace the Holy Spirit as our advocate, comforter, guide, and helper (Paraclete) we display a new persona that reminds others of the Christ that they may have heard or read about. To be "L.I.T." for the Lord means to believe in the Lord's promise of the Holy Spirit and make His priorities our priority.

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