ACTS 10: 34-43; Assistant Pastor Richard Strode
Some folks are content to refer to themselves as Christians while others live to be identified as Christians by how they treat other people. From the pulpit to the pew everyone is called to share how accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior makes a material difference in attitude and perspective when using his teachings as a life-changing guide. When we have call upon the Lord's name in times of challenge, difficulty or stress, we become obligated to reach out to someone who doesn't know the Lord like we do. It is our life-style which either attracts others to the "Jesus" in us or repels others when our lives fail to match our gospel. With the Holy Spirit's help we can share our spiritual fruits with others in a manner that encourages them to become anchored in the Lord's teaching while growing their own spiritual fruit to share with others. When others see you on your faith journey, what do you want them to see?
