John 20: 18, "Good to be a Diamond in the Rough," Evangelist Lelia Chatman-Williams
We start out in life as diamonds in the rough with potential to be whatever we invest our gifts, resources and time in accomplishing. When we accept Jesus as our as Lord, Savior, and Shepherd, He begins a refining process of our spiritual life. Our life lessons as students of His teachings to be the best Christian possible are reflected in our spiritual rebirth. This is one of the lessons learned from Mary who found Jesus' empty tomb and was empowered by Him to share the good news of His resurrection. Like Mary, we have a past which may embarrass us or cause pain. Like Mary, Jesus loves us just as we are but compassionately loves us even more to improve the quality of our spiritual life. When we allow His Spirit to abide and influence our decisions, we become a jewel of great value and God spared no expense in redeeming us.
