Pastor Marvin G. Spence, Luke 14:1; 7-14
When we publicly proclaim that we are Christians, someone will always be willing to criticize us. Jesus teaches his critics there is never a wrong day or time, including the Sabbath, to do the right thing. There are four actions we need to incorporate into our daily lives as the Lord's representative: 1. Serve the Lord consistently so that your actions match your testimony about Christ, neither send mixed messages nor be a hypocrite. 2.Serve others and the Lord enthusiastically, energetically as a disciplined Believer. 3. Serve others with the same humility and selflessness, Jesus displayed prioritizing God's directive over personal celebrity or gain. "Humility is the foundation of all other virtues {Augustine}.Remember whose opinion really matters.The words you long to hear: "Well done my good and faithful servant.
