Ruth 1: 1-18, "Choices, Consequences and God," Pastor Richard A Strode
When we read the story of Elimelech, Naomi and Ruth, their choices made resulted in life-changing consequences. We are reminded of ourselves when we make good decisions with poor outcomes which fail to benefit us in the long run. Like Elimelech and Naomi, as Believers, we sometimes give into temptation to make decisions in own interest but cut-out God's guidance and perspectives because we sense those decisions fail to align with God's will for us. Any decision which takes us away from God is the wrong decision, leading to spiritual compromise and sinfulness. Learn from the ten-year experience of Naomi: "Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay." Good news is that when sinners return to God they discover that the Lord has neither forgotten nor forsaken them. We must own our mistakes, the consequences, and humble ourselves like the "Prodigal Son" and accept the Lord's redemption. Bad decisions need not be fatal errors with eternal consequences.
