"Better Time Management," Ephesians 5: 15-20, Pastor Marvin G Spence
We all have a limited amount of life on this earth; there is a born date and life's ending date. As Believers we know that the Lord holds us and the Bible teaches us that we held accountable for how and what we did as the Lord's representatives. Our Christian life-style ("walk") can influence others to either embrace this new life or reject it because there is a disconnect between how we talk about the Lord and how we live for the Lord. To avoid sending mixed messages about our Christian identity, we must "watch our steps," regularly confirming through prayer, scriptural reflection, and the Holy Spirit's guidance that we are an accurate representation of the Lord's life lessons. We are not perfect; we make mistakes but the Lord's grace provides us opportunity to learn and avoid repeated sinful transgressions. Life is too short to keep making the same sinful mistakes. Spiritual wisdom will teach you how to apply these lessons for your benefit and others. Use your remaining time wisely.
