" Being Distinguished," Exodus 33: 12-23, Pastor Marvin G. Spence
We can often place a high value on being recognized as a "Very Important Person (VIP)," so much so that we risk putting our interests over God's priorities. In seeking God's favor and assurance that his actions were God-pleasing rather than self-promotion, Moses' life lesson is one which is relevant to us today. Christians are called to be servant leaders who serve as role models for Believers new to the faith or those struggling with faith challenges. Most important to Moses and to us is developing a closer relationship with the Lord based on prayer, Scriptural study and life application. This devotion to a Lord-centered lifestyle is what distinguishes Believers from the rest of the world. As the Scripture says in John's Gospel "they (family, friends, neighbors, community) should know us by our love." We must become comfortable being who the Lord has called us to be rather than what the world wants us to be. Is our sharing the spiritual fruit of His Spirit active in the lives of others? This is what makes us become distinguished in the Lord's eyes.
