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"Are You Wise or Otherwise," James 3: 13-4:3, Pastor Richard A Strode

We live in an information driven world which often brings the risk of sensory overload with ever-increasing digital access to knowledge. Sometimes we question if always we make the right life-decisions and delay taking any action while waiting on more knowledge. Christians face the same challenges when it comes to make Christ--influenced life decisions. James, Jesus' half-brother, encouraged those Christians to seek godly wisdom. We can benefit from the same guidance today. We can make decisions which are spiritually wise or "otherwise" decisions which conform to worldly values. To make the right decision, as a Believer, is humbling because we must trust the Lord's guidance even when we may not always understand it. When we make the right decisions it will show our family, friends and community that its basis is Godly. Ignore the second opinion of "backseat drivers and Monday morning quarterbacks" about what you ought to do. Remember Proverbs 3:5, trust not your own understanding but all ways acknowledge the Lord.

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