"Anchored in Hope," Hebrews 6: 10--20 (key verse 6: 10:19), Rev. Brandon J. Robinson
In these challenging times we live with a covid-19 virus pandemic, finding our voice in supporting "Black Lives Matter," and confronting more instances of in-your-face racism. We need Holy Spirit reassurance that the Lord is our Protector and Provider. The early Christian church faced its challenges of persecution, death and being made the scapegoat for everything that was going wrong in the Roman Empire. The hope-filled encouragement which was offered to them, is available to us today. When we are bombarded with messages that wrong is right and right is wrong; the wicked prosper and some Christian leaders value the material over the spiritual, we may question our commitment. Scripture teaches us to anchor ourselves in the Lord's teaching. When you picture an anchor, you recognize it as a tool to keep the boat from being swept away by strong currents or fierce storms. With the Lord's teaching as our anchor, we avoid being captivated by the trendy things of this world. Our actions, as Believers and Disciples, reflect the confidence that what the Lord has done and will continue to do for us what He promised in His Word. The result is that we order our steps in accordance with His Word and remained unchanged by the troubles of this world. If you are drifting because of doubt, please check your anchor.
