An Answer for Hard Times," John 15: 26-27; 16: 4-15, Pastor Marvin G Spence
It is a hard life that we are living through sometimes with more bad happenings outnumbering good events. It is filled with struggles and uncertainties. Evil doers continue to profit from the misery of others while seeming to suffer no consequences. Good and kindness seem in short supply and being a minority in this country can target you for harm or even death. Some ask: Where is God or why is His Church silent? Like the disciples Jesus comforted in this scripture, there is an answer for "hard times" which is found in His gift of the Holy Spirit to all who accept it.
When circumstances seem to overwhelm us and seem beyond our abilities to control, Believers have learned to turn in prayer to the Lord for help. Others have learned that "quick fixes" by psychologists, prosperity pitches or wishing problems away--blind us to the only authentic solution. When you feel broken by your circumstances, remember there is a Master Potter who can put your life together again if you turn to the Lord with contrite heart.
